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《I Got So High That I Saw Jesus》Noah Cyrus | 歌詞翻譯 | 萬物有靈 對未來的迷茫

Writer's picture: LuciusLucius

要我形容Noah Cyrus, 我會話佢係00後嘅Lana Del Ray

雖然驟眼睇啲歌詞 又講耶穌 又隊草 咁矛盾咁嘅?


“This song is not about or for one religion or belief system"

"Jesus basically represents a greater understanding and knowledge that everything has its purpose and everything will work itself out the way it’s supposed to"

萬物皆有靈 係Noah想表達嘅意思



And if the angels are the A.I. I’m gonna burn this whole thing down


其實都係舊時代嘅人對於美好世界嘅神話 繼而成為信仰

到了今天 科學成為了信仰本身

我們是否過於熱衷去利用創新 去嘗試控制那個不可見的將來?



I got so high that I saw Jesus

隊草為嘅係追求脫離清醒狀態 好似置身半空嘅快感





"It will be OK, so long as we are guided by compassion and community.

Both are needed more than ever right now."


"Humans have evolved in so many beautiful ways, but we’ve also gotten so out of touch with the world, and each other. "

不要讓眼前的事物 阻擋我們欣賞簡單而美麗的人與事

"We’ve all lost sight of so many of the simplest thing"

(節錄自Rolling Stone訪問)


I got so high that I saw Jesus 嗑到飄飄然 看見了耶穌 He said it’s all gonna be okay 祂說一切都會順利 "You just need me in your heart" 「你只需要心裡有我」 Tennessee whiskey and love 田納西的威士忌和愛 I got so high that I saw Jesus 嗑到飄飄然 看見了耶穌

Yeah, they talk about the rivers running dry 他們談論河流即將乾涸 How pretty soon, there won’t be any water left to turn to wine 在不久的將來,再沒有水可釀葡萄酒 Like a drunkard at the wedding 好像婚禮上的喝醉了的人 Blindly raising Armageddon 盲目地發起末日之戰 So, I’m a-getting high 所以我嗑得越來越

I got so high that I saw Jesus 嗑到飄飄然 看見了耶穌 He said it’s all gonna be okay 祂說一切都會順利 "You just need me in your heart" 「你只需要心裡有我」 Tennessee whiskey and love 田納西的威士忌和愛 I got so high that I saw Jesus (Jesus) 嗑到飄飄然 看見了耶穌

Yeah, Joseph lost his job to a machine 對了,約瑟因為機械的替代而失去工作 And Mary lost her mind to lines of code you can’t see 還有你沒看到的是 瑪麗對著程式代碼失去理智 And if the angels are the A.I. 假如人工智能就是天使 I’m gonna burn this whole thing down 我會燒毀這一切 Well, I’m gonna burn one down right now 好吧,我現在先燒毀一部份

And I got so high that I saw Jesus (Oh, yeah) 然後我嗑到飄飄然 看見了耶穌 He said it’s all gonna be okay (All gonna be) 祂說一切都會順利 "You just need me in your heart" 「你只需要心裡有我」 Tennessee whiskey and love 田納西的威士忌和愛 I got so high that I saw Jesus 嗑到飄飄然 看見了耶穌

And sometimes, it hurts too much to look 有時候,目睹這些事的感覺也太難受 Like Moses at the burning bush 就像摩西看到燃燒的荊棘 I tried to turn away, but I could see 我嘗試別過臉,但我仍然看見 And he said, "Fathers, don’t forsake your sons 而衪說:「天父,不要拋棄你的子民 There’s so much Kingdom left to come 那裡還有眾多被遺棄的國度 Just let it fill your lungs before you leave" 在你離開之前,請你接納他們吧」

I got so high that I saw Jesus 嗑到飄飄然 看見了耶穌 He said it’s all gonna be okay 祂說一切都會順利 "You just need me in your heart" 「你只需要心裡有我」 Tennessee whiskey and love 田納西威士忌和愛 I got so high that I saw Jesus 嗑到飄飄然 看見了耶穌

I got so high that I saw Jesus 嗑到飄飄然 看見了耶穌 I got so high that I saw Jesus 嗑到飄飄然 看見了耶穌



如有出錯請毫不留情告訴我及指正哦 !

老實講第1次聽Noah Cyrus

係睇佢同家姐Miley Cyrus合唱嘅呢首歌




再摷下 原來佢仲有好幾首作品都好正




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